
Module Contents



The main problem responsible for the selection and time division of configurations

class mapc_optimal.main.Main(min_throughput, opt_sum, solver)

The main problem responsible for the selection and time division of configurations generated by the pricing problem.

  • min_throughput (float) – The minimum throughput of each station required when optimizing total throughput.

  • opt_sum (bool) – If True, the total throughput is optimized, otherwise the worst throughput is optimized.

  • solver (pulp.LpSolver) – The solver used to solve the optimization problem.

__call__(stations, link_node_b, conf_links, conf_link_rates, conf_total_rates, confs)

Solves the main problem given the configurations generated by the pricing problem. Returns the dual variables, the shares of the configurations and the value of the objective function.

  • stations (list) – List of the station nodes.

  • link_node_b (dict) – Dictionary containing the mapping of links to the station nodes.

  • conf_links (dict) – Dictionary containing the links of each configuration.

  • conf_link_rates (dict) – Dictionary containing the rates of each link for each configuration.

  • conf_total_rates (dict) – Dictionary containing the total rate of each configuration.

  • confs (list) – List of the configurations.


result – Tuple containing the results of the optimization problem and the value of the objective function.

Return type:

tuple[dict, float]